Montag, 21. Januar 2013

People love violence?

It seems that no matter what people say, how far we are in our evolution and they angrily complain that they are not animals(some might be stones or  vegetables? ) and that they are a far cry from instinct driven beeings, they still prove that this isn´t true.

People say they are better than animals, but mostly they are only better in making more of a mess.

Chimps scream, throw sticks and stones, run around and pound against their chest to show off.
Humans scream, throw glass, stones, bombs or shoot each other, run around vandalizing and beat others into a pulp.

Animals have a big repertoire of how to behave if facing an opponent.
Humans do too.

Animals ruffle fur and feathers, strut around, use colourfull berries and leaves  to enhance their qualities.
Humans ...well just watch Jersey Shore.

Humans say they are so far above animal behaviour,  the next minute they defend their behaviour with beeing just animals and that their emotions got them.

They just pick what serves them best.

Humans have the ability to see violence as a joke.
They know they bring pain and suffering and they defend their choice with it beeing tradition or that it has been always the same way..or that it is entertainment.

This is what really makes humans different from other animals.
Humans know their behaviour is bad, evil, worse than that of any animal could be, but they twist and turn and wiggle around to defend it and talk about how it is not what it looks like.

I am not speaking about video game violence like..let´s say...Halo.

We know that we do not really kill someone with such a game and I also don´t think that those games train people to be indifferent to suffering or turn to killing animals and people in real life.

But than there are the masses, let´s a football game and someone doesn´t like that someone else cheers for the other team and we are back to animal 101, boasting, ruffling feathers, no matter the big brain.
We know that beating the other up and encouraging a big fight in the stadium will bring big problems for us.

We could use our logic and brain to act differently, but in this moment, people tell, it is all about this loveable rush of adrenaline, the power you feel when you beat someone else to a pulp.

We know that in a bull fight, we inflict horrible pain and suffering.
We know that killing off a dolphin through hacking away at it, is cruel.
We know that we might severly injure or even kill someone when we kick and hit him or her when they are on the ground.

The only reason this is done, is not because we just lost control or our instincts control us, it is fun, feeling powerful because we inflict pain and control over someone weaker than us, someone who can not defend themselves against us.

The sad thing is, we do not need violence to feel good or know that we are 'better' than someone else.

Maybe this is why so many people react agressive in the face of animal activists and vegans.

Because those activists have reached the higher level of feeling good and beeing better without  beating others into a pulp or inflicting unbearable pain.

Yeah, it requires work to not act on a low level, because an extent our instincts and animal genetics influence us, emotions may throw us into the unreasonable loop.

But if our animal heritage really would control us, than everyone would be violent in the extent the worst kind of humans are.
There would have been no one standing up against Hitler, Stalin, Mao and who ever else was out there, killing for the rush of power.

People followed those 'leaders' not just because he was charismatic or he said that there would be work and food for all.

It was because he said that some were more equal than others, that people had the right to degrade and even kill off those humans that were not equal enough.

And than there were the people who knew it was wrong to kill someone because they were different, or not as intelligent, or able to do tasks the same way the leading class of humans could.

Isn´t it the same nowadays?

People argue that other beeings  are less intelligent or beautiful or whatever and this is why they have the right to torture, abuse, mistreat and kill those beeings.

People can be trained to see violence, pain inflicted on  others as pleasurable.

Children will naturally shy away from inflicting pain or even killing small animals.
A normal child that isn´t already influenced by the behaviour of a callous grown up, may kill a butterfly because it is clumsy or doesn´t know that the butterfly is not robust enough to withstand the curious child.

But in turn, if parents explain what has happened and that the child has to be careful, the child will mourn its deed and tries to be careful.

Parents who act indifferent or is just an insect, that is the first step on the way of joy in violence.

Yeah it is fun to pluck off the wings of a butterfly, just like plucking off colourfull leaves or ripping them apart....

And if we do not learn that plucking off a butterflies wings is wrong because it causes pain and death, we might do similiar damage to other beeings.

In turn, with animals that show pain, those who bleed and cry like cats, dogs, pigs, deers, children will know that inflicting pain is wrong, that their behaviour is wrong.

Children will not take scissors and cut off a kittens legs because the screams and the blood are not exciting.
Children normally shy away from beaviour that inflicts obvious damage and pain because we are social animals.

But just like..for example...sexual pleasure will give us a rush of good feelings, people can be trained to get the same rush through violent behaviour.

As animals, we naturally feel a rush of endorphines when we have defended ourselves against an opponent, when we have defeated a rival who wanted to take our food, child or partner or maybe even our life.

Nature, evolution will give us a treat when we do something that helps us to survive..yeah just like copulation, nursing our young or fighting off enemys.

Beeing higher on the chain, more dominant than others would have gained us more food, more opportunities to spread our gens.

Beeing violent is an easy way to get a rush of endorphines, the drugs our body produces to pat us on the head and say "Good boy".

Child soldiers learn to love the kill through threats, beatings, drugs and the need to survive.
Sexually abused children learn to like the abuse they undergo in the need to survive, through the need of a child to feel secure in the knowledge that they are loved and will be protected from worse harm.

Children are easily influenced, bent to the will of the grown ups.

Children need to learn early that violence and abuse is normal so that they go against their own nature and preserve abusive, violent traditions.

No normal 8 year old will go out and kill a calf with a blade, but when trained early enough through threats and treats, it will see it as desirable, normal and pleasurable.

Same with children that are taught that hunting is fun.

And I am not talking about those natives folks who hunt to survive.
Because hunting there is never first and foremost about fun, it is about to get food and survive and respect nature.

I am talking about people who hunt with riffles and modern bows for fun, at the weekends, who have a pet bunny at home and show their children the fun of killing wild ones..not for food, first and foremost for the thrill of seeing the fear and fight of an animal for its life.

Normal children don´t enjoy seeing someone suffer and struggle to survive.
Children need to be indoctrinated against their social nature to see killing as an enjoyable, funny activity.

Children need to be detached from their social mind, detached from the pain and suffering to enjoy it and not feel emphaty.

The same mindset why school shootings happen.

We replay that in horror films, we know this is the reason why people kill other people, kill children.

In our entertainment on the screen we see hunters who hunt humans because it is the most intelligent, strong prey, the prey that makes the best challenge.

No matter if CSI, Silence of the lambs or Supernatural..or one of the other films or series on television where a killer was made into one by a parental figure who thaught them how to hunt and detach themselves, who taught cruelty as something enjoyable or that the mighty have the right to degrade and kill those who are weaker.

We know that we mold those killers with our 'better and therefor we can use you' behaviour...we protect the fear to stumble on the side of the victim in all those horrorfilms.

The screen, books, stories were always a mirror on whom we protected our deepest, carnal fears.

Humans act cruel against those weaker than themselves and we fear that we might also be once weak and be the abused, mistreated one.

It is humans greatest fear to get back all the abuse and 'better than them' attitude they dish out onto others.

In ancient times it was angry gods and spirits who dished out cruelty and punishment, nowadays it is serial killers, aliens, the monster out of the swamp/scary forest/ice.

We know our violent, cruel behaviour is wrong.

First because we have a concept of sin, of absolution, of laws.
Second, even the people who enjoy killing animals, who love to wear fur, watch bull fights, who defend what they do, know they are doing something wrong.

If hunters wouldn´t feel threatened, if their conscience wouldn´t still work, they wouldn´t react so violent against those who say that killing for fun, killing at the scale they do, is wrong.

There is still the part of the child who knows that inflicting pain is wrong and they do not want to be reminded of it, because than their world would crash and burn and they would have to face their deeds.

Violence is what had been taught to them, violence is the behaviour they had been taught to react to challenges. Not the normal way that our instincts would dedicate.
Violence on steroids, drugged up is what they have been taught.

And they react how they have been taught, to inflict pain, because they have no other way.
Because they are still the small and scared kid that was beaten down in mind, sometimes also bodily to accept  violence as normal and enjoyable.

This gets especially clear when hunters boast with their kills, show off mangled, bloody bodies, taunt people who see violence as something wrong to inflict on others.

It gets glaring evident when they threaten the life of those people, their family  when they dare to threaten their safe heaven of accepted cruelty and pleasureable violence.

Normal people sometimes wish they could blow  someones head off, but we all know which people are most likely the ones who don´t just make wishes  and have been trained to react brutally.

Even during the dark times of humanity, most people didn´t go around and kill off other people.
It still hasn´t changed so much nowadays, it is still mostly the 'elite' of people who have been taught that they are better, how to kill, who will in turn also kill humans and defend those deeds in their mind with 'because they pissed me off/slept with my wife-husband/ told me what to do/ I didn´t like them'

We most likely might understand and even excuse when parents would attempt to kill off the abuser/killer of their is just  that even than, most people won´t return the deed.

In the first moment of animal instincts taking over, seeing what has been done, parents might turn violent and kill.

But to plan a murder, working out how and when, is a rare case.
At least with people killing the murderers of their loved ones it would be somewhat justified in the minds of people.

Killing someone because of sleeping with a willing partner or 'don´t like them'   as justification, especially because we are humans and double intelligent(Homo sapiens sapiens), is not a reason that most other humans can understand or see as justified.

Killing off Kangaroos/Mustangs//Burros because they dare to eat from the same pasture as cows and sheep do and say they breed too much, is just another silly attempt to justify  beloved violence.

Unfortunately people like to believe that other people are just as nice and good as they are and believe the silliest justifications why someone needs to be killed off.

Humans want to believe that other humans are also good and nice and not dangerous.

This is why people who want to kill off wild predators, dolphins or wild herbivore animals because 'there are too many of them/we need to do it so they don´t get ill/eat all the plants-fish' don´t get more fire under their behinds....

People believe other people that this woman must burn because she is a witch, that they need to rip out human hearts so the sun will go up again or that jews are the enemies of the arian race, because they want to believe desperately that their fellow humans are not psychophatic, violent killers.

People believe the silliest things because we are social animals who want to feel save with our fellow humans.
People fear they might be shoved out of the tight fitted society and be outsiders, something that would have been a death sentence in early times of humankind.
So we still act after our instincts and try to stay with the crowd, therefor believing silly things and reasoning with ourselves against logic and emphaty.

But in reality we still know what is up, we just fear the challenge, or that those people who have learned, have been trained to abuse and kill, would turn against us...and this is a possibility.

No matter where you look, most serial killers, murderers, soldiers wo turn to kill civilians, have been trained in cruelty and violent behaviour first and foremost on animals.

As long as we justify abuse and killing with the inferiority of the victim, humans will abuse and kill their own species.

And if there are really people who can not understand the difference between killing for fun and the ability to kill because we are attacked and who think that we can not defend ourselves when we do not learn to abuse and kill, training on animals, than those people really should not be trusted  with humankind.

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