Dienstag, 18. September 2012

Feminist-what´s the meaning?

Feminist means  standing up for the rights of females.

So they can have equal opportunities and rights as males and that they are both treated with the same respect, dignity and care and not abused.

I juggled a bit with the word...

Feminist, female..doesn´t  have the word human there, has it?

Humanists are for human rights...so feminists had logically to stand for all females right to be treated right, with respect and dignity and not to be abused, ridiculed and to be treated as an inferior beeing where it is ok to be abused and mistreated.


So how can feminists feel insulted when one female is compared  to the other female?

Rape is rape, isn´t it? Abuse is abuse. It doesn´t matter if you are black, or white, disabled or  from a different species.

Female is female, abuse is abuse.

Feminists feel insulted to be compared to other females when they see these females like men see women.

If you see a female as inferior, stupid, weak, dumb and think it is ok to use said female to gain something from it, bringing the other female pain, than you feel insulted as a feminist to be compared to a female you see as inferior to yourself.

There is nothing wrong with bitches, pigs or cows.

I bet there were feminists in the era of blacks beeing inferior to whites, feeling insulted to be compared as a white woman to a black woman.

That has changed now,so how about changing feeling insulted to be compared to a wonderful, lovely, intelligent and playfull animal like a cow, or dog, or a pig?

We ourselves degrade those beeings to be less than us, but in reality it is wrong to hit a horse, a cow, a kid or a human and it is wrong to call either of them stupid, dirty or worthless.
Just because they don´t have our abilities doesn´t mean they are stupid.

You can only feel dehumanized and insulted by beeing compared to someone, if you hold prejudices, ridicule them and see them as inferior.

There is nothing wrong with beeing a cow or beeing a human woman.
Stop prejudices...rape is rape, abuse is abuse and cows are wonderfull beeings, just like human females are.

Cows are different, not inferior and not an insult.

                                       Feminist for all females

pic by  http://kissmyvegan.blogspot.de/2010/03/interview-series-3-jasmin-singer.html

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